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Cobham, Claude Delaval (transl.): Travels in the island of Cyprus, translated from the Italian of Giovanni Mariti. London, Zeno, 1971.



Circumscision in Turkey



When the day at length arrives, the child is clothed in the richest attire. It is conducted through the streets of the city, on a horse gaudily ornamented; the standard of Mahomet is carried before; the singis follow, dancing; a body of musicians, and performers on different instruments, come after; and the procession is closed by the friends and relations. When they arrive at the mosque, the people repeat their prayers; and, having remounted their horses, return to the house of the child’s father, where an experienced man cuts the prepuce entirely off; after which he holds up his hand, and cries out with a loud voice - “ There is no other God than the true God, “ and Mahomet is his prophet.” When this is done, all the assistants make some present to the young Neophyte; and the ceremony is terminated by a grand entertainment.

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