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United States of America






American Dance Therapy Association

International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association



Prof.  Susan Bauer

Madeline Bergin

Jacqueline Delovich

Marjorie Isaacs

Kimberly Gower

Prof. Dr.  Marcia B. Leventhal

Paola Liverani

Jayne Persch

Zoe Robinette

Amina Tafra

Marlon Torres

Amarillis Y. Vazquez Morales

Karuna Warren

Taryn Wayne

Nancy J. Zendora

Namus Zokhrabov

New World Drummers









Catlin, G. (sketch); Neuville, A. de (drawing)

The witch-doctor or evil spirit (Le sorcier ou mauvais esprit)     
Print, wood  1869, 12 x 8 cm. 1832. Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis






A Yuma medicine man. Sketches of Arizona and Southern California   

Print, woodcut 17.4 x 12 cm 1888. Greece, Athens, collection Alkis Raftis


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